
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

--19 October 2017 - The starting Day --

Hi All

3 tahun. Yes, ia mengambil masa selama 3 tahun untuk diri ini kembali aktif 'berblogging'.
what did i do for the past 3 years?
Alot. One of the best thing was : dikurniakan 2 org anak yg super duper cheeky.

Sebenarnya, a lot is happening to me.
This is another new thing that i really want to do to release all the tense happen in my lovely LIFE.What it is? "BLOGGING"

blog ini sudah lama kewujudannya, tapi sayang tiada sebarang penambahbaikan yg dilakukan. Bukan kerana xsuka menaip, dan juga bukan kerana hati dah tawar.
Semua kerana diri sendiri yg tidak pandai membahagikan masa antara keluarga dan keinginan diri. 

1 little girl and 1 little boy really make my whole world changed. TOTALLY.
miserable but valuable memory and experience.
Now, the girl is 3 years and the boy nearly 1 years old.
They are the precious thing in my life. Ok. Enough about them. I will tell more story in next next entry. (when i have a free time :P)

This is the starting point. I Hope i can do this regularly. 
Life is shorten try to make it better and bersyukur selalu. 

See you in next entry.

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