
Friday, December 24, 2010

~~Take control of Your LiFe ~~


Have you been getting little sleep and rest because you work late every night and get up early morning every morning? Are you burning the candle at both ends, working too hard, and tipping your life out of balance and your body out of shape?

If you ask yourself " When did life become all work and no fun?", you will probably end up blaming your current work or your boss. Spare them.

What your life has become is not because of these factors or any other groundless excuses you can think of. It is about the decisions or choices you make. We all know that life is not just work.

As a white-collar worker,you have been dragged to your current state of being a slave of time. Time has suddenly become the omnipotent force over you. Time is indispensable. It is what you need to complete your tasks on hand, or to spend for a picnic with your family and friends.

There are a lot of possible solutions out there. However, there is one formula that offers a comprehensive approach towards achieving the work-life balance that many professionals and executives dream of.

Think "SPAM" or staying positive, active and motivated to keep your professional career on track and your personal life back.

Here are ways to be a work-life professional:

Goals are the key drivers of work-life balance, so make sure you identify them. What are your personal and life goals? With the goals in place, try to visualise the look and feel of success you have in mind. Regular visualization exercises motivate you, taking you closer to your destination. Keep in mind that effective goals are S.M.A.R.T or specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.

2. Plan and prioritise
Set realistic timelines and clear to do lists. You should be able to identify which tasks are urgent and important; urgent but not important; not urgent and important; not urgent and not important. Do not leave these great ideas on paper, act on them now.

3. Assess your efforts
After taking the necessary steps towards achieving the goals you have set,give yourself some time to reflect on your performance or effort so far. Ask yourself these questions : " How satisfied am i with my effort?"; "What is within my control?" and "What is not within my control?"

4. Motivate yourself constantly
Adopting t he right mindset and attitude towards stress ensures a rewarding experience. Stress is a neutral condition an is totally dependent on how you view it. Take the sensible approach. IF work is stressing you out, because you just have too much to do, perhaps you could talk to your supervisor about the situation.

Try to calm you mind set with positive self-talk - tell yourself you can meet your deadlines and do a good job.

Balancing work and life is to have the right to enjoy your life while you are learning and living. When you are happy at home, you will be happier at work!
Always remid yourself that you have the roght to feel good, to be strong, to work smart and to be in control of your life. Source: ST/ANN

Article by Angeline V. Teo

Thursday, December 16, 2010

blood Pressure high? Again?

Assalammualaikum.... :D tetiba ja bagi salam kan...buang tebiat ke pe nih...hehehe
mana la tau nnti tak sempat nk bg salam pulak... :D

Seperti tajuk entry di atas... BLOOD PRESSURE
Ada dua jenis kan.. LOW BP atau HIGH BP...betul ker?? betul la kot hehehehe

Hari ini nak bercerita mengenai tekanan darah tinggi dulu...sebabnya adalah org yg menaip ni dah kena tekanan darah tinggi 144/75... bak kata dr tu...border lagi..tapi hati2 jgn sampai btl2 dapat..oleh itu .......sila membaca ayat seterusnya utk kesihatan yg lebih terjamin...huhuhuhuhu

sila berikan perhatian sepenuhnya yer....on your mark get set goooo!!!!

apakah itu Hypertensi/Tekanan Darah Tinggi?
Jantung anda bertugas sebagai alat mengepam dimana ia menguncup dan berehat. Aktiviti ini menghasilkan tekanan yang membawa darah keseluruh badan. Tekanan darah ini berbeza bagi setiap seseorang individu dan bacaannya juga berbeza.

Adalah mustahak untuk anda mengukur tekanan darah secara berkala bagi menentukan
samada tekanan darah anda tinggi atau tidak. 90% pengidap Hypertensi/Tekanan Darah
Tinggi tidak menunjukkan sebarang gejala manakala 10% lagi ada menunjukkan gejala.
Pengidap Hypertensi/Tekanan Darah Tinggi berisiko tinggi untuk mendapat penyakit jantung.Tekanan darah yang terkawal dapat mengurangkan kedatangan pesakit ke Klinik pesakit luar,kemasukkan ke hospital dan kematian akibat strok (angin ahmar) dan penyakit jantung.

Apakah komplikasi(kesan buruk akibat penyakit) Hypertensi/Tekanan
Darah Tinggi?
Tekanan darah yang tinggi akan mengakibatkan bebanan kepada organ-organ dalam badan
dan boleh menyebabkan kerosakan. Diantara komplikasi/kesan akibat penyakit
Hypertensi/Tekanan Darah Tinggi adalah seperti:
• Otak
Serangan Stroke/Angin Ahmar atau Stroke ringan dan sementara (Transient
Ischaemic Attack)

• Penyakit jantung seperti :
o Coronary Heart Disease
o Congestive Heart Failure
o Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

• Komplikasi pada mata
o Perdarahan dan kerosakan kepada kawasan yang sensitif dalam mata
o Keadaan yang dikenali sebagai Hypertensive Retinopathy

• Komplikasi pada buah pinggang
o Kegagalan fungsi buah pinggang (paras serum kreatinin tinggi,Microalbuminuria,

• Peripheral vascular disease seperti
o Aneurysm
o Kehilangan satu atau lebih denyut nadi

Hypertensi/Tekanan Darah Tinggi Peringkat 1
• Rawatan tanpa ubatan adalah rawatan utama
• Anda perlu mengubahsuai gaya hidup
• Amalkan pemakanan sihat

o Kurangkan pengambilan garam dan kolesterol dalam makanan

• Lakukan aktiviti fizikal yang teratur
• Kurangkan berat badan jika berlebihan
• Atasi tekanan secara berkesan
• Berhenti merokok
• Periksa semula tekanan darah anda mengesahkan tiada Hypertensi/Tekanan Darah
• Jika anda disahkan mengidap Hypertensive/Darah Tinggi, sila ikut nasihat yang
• Dapatkan keterangan lanjut berkaitan Hypertesion/Tekanan darah tinggi

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

OreN and PutiH

i will miss oren and putih...hope new home is much better than our home....jgn nakal2 yer
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