I was down this week with this virus. Seriously, it was killing me. It is started with the Sore throat. Next Fever. Next ache for whole body. I felt weak as i cant swallow the food. Tekak rasa terbakar, rasa sgt gatal and kalaukah tekak dpt dikeluarkan. Kalau..
Dengan ini, i was medicine BFF. i tidak boleh hidup tanpa ubat. Walaupn hakikatnya i hate ubat. Dan hari ini, hari yg paling teruk, sakit kepala menyerang dalam skala 8/10. Hidung tersumbat dalam skala 9/10. Mukus yg maha pekat dan berwarna kehijauan. (agak mengelikan tapi ini antara tanda2 tekak telah dijangkiti kuman)
Disebabkan tindak balas ubat, satu hari tidur. Bangun untuk makan (walaupn hakikatnya tak dpt merasa apa makanan itu rasa), makan ubat then tidur lg. Rutin yang sama sampai ke malam.
If you have sore throat. please JANGAN ignore it. IT will lead to the other serious problem. I have google for Pharyngitis. Ada tips untuk mengubati nya. Walaupn lambat, tapi berbaloi untuk mecuba.
This is the tips from
Home Remedies for Pharyngitis
The following remedies may help soothe a sore throat:
Getting rest
this is what i do for the rest of the day
this is what i do for the rest of the day
Avoiding alcohol - i dont drink it
Quit smoking - not smoking
Drinking warm liquids, such as lemon tea or tea with honey
this is the best, rasa lega selepas melalui tekak yg luka
Gargling with warm salt water (1/2 tsp of salt in 1 cup of water) throughout the day - will try this night
Drinking cold liquids or sucking on fruit-flavored ice pops -
i drank cold orange juice just to feel lega walaupun selepas itu batuk menjelma
Sucking on hard candies or throat lozenges (for adults only)
sekali mkn ubat bkn sebiji 3 biji terus, semua sebab tekak ni maha gatal dan sakit
Running a cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier
Taking over-the-counter pain medications, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). Children under 19 should not take aspirin.
Drinking warm liquids, such as lemon tea or tea with honey
this is the best, rasa lega selepas melalui tekak yg luka
Gargling with warm salt water (1/2 tsp of salt in 1 cup of water) throughout the day - will try this night
Drinking cold liquids or sucking on fruit-flavored ice pops -
i drank cold orange juice just to feel lega walaupun selepas itu batuk menjelma
Sucking on hard candies or throat lozenges (for adults only)
sekali mkn ubat bkn sebiji 3 biji terus, semua sebab tekak ni maha gatal dan sakit
Running a cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier
Taking over-the-counter pain medications, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). Children under 19 should not take aspirin.
Please take care of your self. Sakit itu penghapus dosa. Mungkin i is melakukan dosa dgn byk, ini salah satu cara untuk mengurangkan dosa. i is redha walaupn mmg tak mampu nk bgn untuk tgk anak2. terima kasih husband walaupn huru hara rumah dibuatnya.
See you in the entry
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